A look at Diabetes Africa’s faculties and chambers

We organise our work according to chambers and faculties. Faculties seek to advance knowledge and good practice in a particular technical field, with a focus on Black, African and Caribbean populations. Chambers are tackling multidisciplinary challenges that require broader cooperation between medical experts, decision-makers, external stakeholders and people living with diabetes.

Chambers and faculties of Diabetes Africa (an illustration)
Chambers and faculties of Diabetes Africa bring together our community (Illustration)


Within a faculty, Diabetes Africa visitors and subscribers can access information based on their areas of interest and expertise. Newsletter subscribers can stay informed of training material, and learning opportunities available in their country, and share their experience with other members of the faculty. Experts can collaborate on pan-Africa and international initiatives relating to their areas of interest.

Faculties of Diabetes Africa

Our current technical faculties are:

  • Endocrinology / Diabetology
  • Eye care
  • Foot care
  • Nursing
  • Nutrition
  • Pharmacy
  • Psychology
  • Non-profit management
  • Diabetes education
  • People with diabetes


Chambers are designed to provide a platform to address Africa’s top diabetes challenges with a multidisciplinary, inclusive approach. Diabetes Africa brings together teams of experts, supporters, communicators and project managers to bring about innovative solutions to improve diabetes care and address inequities. 

Our current chambers cover the following topics:

Telehealth Utilising telehealth practices such as telemedicine to improve the reach of healthcare professionals with diabetes specialities.

Sustainable education Working with public and private organisations to design pathways to upskill healthcare professionals, provide formal qualifications and retain workforce in Africa.

Disease awareness and follow-up Using innovative ways to increase awareness of diabetes and improving follow-up through technology and community.

Promotion of best practices Documenting, disseminating and rewarding best practices in diabetes diagnosis and care.

Data collection Creating partnerships to improve data gathering and inform decision-makers on the impact of diabetes and related diseases.

Access to care and medicine Identifying new pathways to reduce the cost, improve the quality and deliver medicines to people with diabetes.

Access to devices and equipment Supporting low-cost manufacturing, distribution and access to blood-sugar monitoring devices, test strips and medical equipment to help people with diabetes.

The number and denomination of chambers are not permanent. They can adapt to new challenges identified by the Diabetes Africa community.

Creating meaningful collaborations

In consultation with advisors and external experts, Diabetes Africa identifies key questions that members can tackle through projects. Multidisciplinary teams of members and partners, including external experts, design and carry out the projects. Corporate and public champions can provide funding to support a project.

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